Ignore that first post, my phone doesn't let me use the "advanced editor"
So my idea is a new loner territory called skyview mountain,
A nice mountaneous place that has all mountains with snowcaps even through the summer and its just a nice place to view, with three large mountains and a few smaller ones, able to be climbed on with little skill, the top is a bit more rocky and more tough to manage on, but the bottom on the mountains have a nice river flowing through a grassy meadow which is snowed over during the winter.
I feel like this would be a good place since we have the hot beach, we could also have the cold mountains (mostly favorited by the ice wolves)
I think it'd be pretty cool, along with the dangers from things like mountain lions, falling off of the mountain, to nice things like the pretty view and the delicious caribou and elks :)
Oh goodness. He can like, hit a side of the mountain and uncover a secret entrence, with all that jazz you were talkin about earlier, haha :D that'd be cool.